This page was first posted in mid-September 1998. It is (and will be) constantly updated as I complete existing sections and add new ones. Don't be surprised if menu links on the front page that didn't work before suddenly do on your next visit, or previously empty pages are overflowing with new content. I'll try to keep a current "What's New" listing on this page with each successive update for those of you that may wish to frequent this page. La Maison grew out of my long-standing interest in all things military and recent active involvement with the Napoleonic Wargame Club. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have creating it. Feedback is most heartily welcome. The images and information on this site come from a number of sources, including some original thoughts from yours truly. Should you feel that any of the content on this page is a violation of copyright, e-mail me the information and I will endeavor to correct the misdeed as quickly as possible.
If you'd like to e-mail me, simply click on the picture below.
February 27, 1999 - Grande Armee OOB for 1809 added to the Military History page. Added a link to Wargamer: Napoleon 1813 to the Links in the Games section. This game looks to be a refreshing and exciting addition to the current collection of Napoleonic computer wargames.
January 14, 1999 - Linked to The History Ring.
January 13, 1999 - Added link to The Danish Army - 1813 on the Resources Link page. This is an extremely informative and well done site. Maps, information on weapons, uniforms, battles, orders of battle. Very nicely done.
January 12, 1999 - Linked to the Napoleonic Web Association (Napoleon Now) on Links page.
January 7, 1999 - Grande Armee OOB for 1805 added to Military History page. Some minor revisions in the landscape (i.e., fixed backgrounds on some pages).
January 4, 1999 - Added a link on the Resources page to Histoire et Figurines. This is an exceptional site with a large amount of information on everything from uniforms to historical OOB's. In French and English.
January 2, 1999 - All of the thumbnails are now linked to their appropriate images...enjoy!
December 13, 1998 - The Games page is open. New links have been added to Resources, Games and Battlefields Links pages.
December 6, 1998 - The final Maxims, LXXI - LXXVIII, have been posted.
December 5, 1998 - The Art page is up with thumbnails. The full images will be available shortly. Maxims LXI - LXX posted, only eight more to go.
November 30, 1998 - Maxims XLI - LX posted. ALMOST DONE! Work has begun on the Art page, preparing thumbnails, etc.
November 28, 1998 - Been a bit lazy...posted new link to the Napoleon Bonaparte Internet Guide on the Links page. More to come.
October 6, 1998 - Maxims XXXI - XL posted.
September 25, 1998 - Navigation Bar added to each page.
September 19, 1998 - Maxims XI - XXX posted.
September18, 1998 - Information page posted.
September, 1998 - La Maison posted to Tripod. Map, Links and Chronology pages complete. Maxims I - X posted. Military History page begun with Oaths, Farewell, Glossary and Slang. Linked to Napoleonic WebRing.